According to a statement issued three days ago by the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the WRO lifting would apply to ...
Jais memberi peringatan itu susulan penemuan empat pelajar tahfiz yang dipercayai didera dan menjadi mangsa amang seksual.
Countries participating within the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon (Unifil), including Malaysia, have called for an ...
Russia and China were alleged to have blocked a proposed consensus statement for the East Asia Summit (EAS) drafted by ...
COMMENT | In less than three years, Malaysia will conduct its general election. This election serves not only as a ...
The Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) will not hesitate to shut down any private religious school in the state found to be involved in abuse, sexual harassment, or actions that violate the ...
巫统元老东姑拉沙里讥讽,首相安华过去一直宣扬改革,任相后却没有兑现承诺。 东姑拉沙里接受《马来西亚前锋报》采访时揶揄安华只说不做,在1998年遭到前首相马哈迪革职后,才会愤怒地说要改革。 “开展了(烈火莫熄)运动,人们也支持这场运动,我们可以肯定这点 ...
Ku Li mendakwa selepas menjadi perdana menteri, Anwar tidak melaksanakan reformasi yang dilaungkannya sebelum ini.
The remand on a woman driver who was suspected of crashing into two motorcycles, killing three Universiti Teknologi Mara ...
Outgoing Bersatu Youth chief Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal has expressed his desire for his successor to be as outspoken ...
Reman terhadap pemandu wanita yang dipercayai merempuh dua motosikal sehingga mengorbankan tiga pelajar Universiti Teknologi ...
反贪污委员会日前逮捕了两名嫌犯,其中一人是雪兰莪州务大臣机构(MBI)的前高层人员。 他们涉及一宗数百万令吉贿赂丑闻,而案件与MBI旗下子公司的一项采砂特许经营权有关。 MBI是雪州投资臂膀。 消息人士告诉《当今大马》,另一名嫌犯则是商人。