Reading O'Reilly's latest book "Confronting the Presidents" and we had some real doozees elected in the past, and we will again. But, we survived! Mainly because of ...
Listen to Trumps former cabinet members and Vice President Pence. They will not support him, and they knew him far better than you!
I recently inquired about joining the wildwood crest volunteer fire company. By no means am I young man but does it alarm anyone else when the average age of fire ...
Dock workers get a raise of over 10% a year while this years cost of living increase for seniors is 2.5%. The dock workers are strong, obviously working, and hav ...
B - Germany $11B - UK $9.6B - Denmark $6.0B - notice France - Italy and Spain are missing from this list ...
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has called for the death penalty for migrants who kill United States citizens or members of law enforcement, as part of an ...
The refusal of local government to erect a barrier on North Wildwood Blvd to protect our semi aquatic cousins, the Testudines, or more commonly called "turtles", i ...
Woodbine - The clock is winding down on the social security fund as we know it - what is Harris and Trump going to do about it? - starting now - one of these two candidates should have a plan and it ...
Kamala Harris' physician reports the vice president is in 'excellent health' and fit to serve as president. Obvious to health professionals Trump exhibits the tells of Pr ...
Harris will not take unscripted questions from the press corps - this is true - she wants scripted questions from known press corp members ...
The Paris Climate Change accords will make our enemies stronger economically and militarily and the USA will pick up the tab in $ contributed - does this make any ...
Fox News is filled with lies that is causing people to vote for Trump, the biggest liar of all. Criminals side with criminals.Honest people relate to bringing up the ...