A Swiss Center’s experience makes it clear that ERAS protocols make a difference following cardiac surgery, new research shows.
The fully automated method could increase clinical workflow efficiency and potentially aid trial enrollment, says Martin ...
This new AHA tool had better discrimination compared with the older pooled cohort equations, increasing confidence in its use ...
Newer scoring tools and anatomic factors may foster better understanding of benefit in older patients, says Hemal Gada.
The link between “greenness” and risk needs further research, Scott Brown says, but could point to prevention opportunities.
The single-center report echoes the findings of larger studies and supports efforts to increase gender diversity among ...
Increasing delays in access to in-person office evaluation with physicians leads to the development of a new virtual care ecosystem.
Quantifying where there are gaps between need and supply could ultimately help bystanders act fast when cardiac arrest occurs ...
It was initially thought Lp(a) would need to be measured only once, but data suggest it can fluctuate in some people.
The interconnection is far deeper than previously thought, raising new ways to promote health, says Fernando Testai.
It’s time for an endpoint that includes quality of life and mortality, and weights events accordingly, says one surgeon.
CCCTN registry data reinforce the message that DanGer Shock’s findings supporting MCS apply narrowly to patients studied.