A team of researchers has made an important step in understanding the origins of modern Japanese people. Scientists were able ...
A massive black hole has ripped apart a star, and now it’s using the remnants of that star to impact another nearby star or ...
A recent archaeological study reveals how sailors of the Roman Empire managed to feed themselves in the middle of the ...
In a day of great significance for the history and culture of Terracina, important archaeological discoveries were presented, ...
Un equipo de investigadores ha dado un paso importante en la comprensión de los orígenes de los japoneses modernos. Los ...
Un agujero negro masivo ha destrozado una estrella y ahora está usando esos restos estelares para golpear otra estrella o un ...
Un reciente estudio arqueológico revela cómo los marineros del Imperio Romano lograban alimentarse en medio del Mediterráneo, ...