Following hurricane damage that shuttered a North Carolina plant that makes 60% of the country's IV fluids, U.S. he ...
Most Americans 50 and older don’t place much trust in health advice generated by artificial intelligence, a new sur ...
Public concerns about contracting RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) have significantly declined during the past yea ...
Obesity is a more powerful driver of breast cancer than previously thought, a new study suggests.About 40% of hormo ...
The number of U.S. children who suffer seizures after swallowing prescription medications or illicit drugs has doub ...
Folks with peanut allergies don’t have to worry that someone might be munching on the nuts during an airline flight ...
Accident victims tend to flood emergency rooms on days with heavy air pollution, a new study shows.The number of pa ...
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) adults have a high rate of cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality, accord ...
The policy of billing for secure messages changes patient expectations and can impact the patient-physician relations ...
In the United States, there is a growing reliance on industry to conduct cancer clinical research, according to a stu ...
Subtle cognitive changes in patients with subjective cognitive decline can be identified using smartphone data collec ...
Accelerated three-year M.D. (3YMD) graduates have similar performance in medical school and early residency as four-y ...