ESA displays the winning images and acceptances in an exhibition at its annual ESA meeting, which this year will take place Nov. 10-13 in Phoenix, Ariz. Thousands of insect science professionals will ...
Growing up in rural Alabama, Kimberly Sinclair Holmes – the new statewide director of California 4-H – experienced firsthand ...
When you get your plant, don't disturb the roots. Cut out the bottom of the pot, put the pot in the planting hole—with sandy, ...
The weather profile remains dry and drought conditions may continue through the fall. Monitor rainfall and adjust water accordingly to keep soil moist for new plantings. Put organic mulch around ...
One of the many things that make University of California Cooperative Extension in Imperial County unique is its close proximity to the U.S.-Mexico border. Its geographic location, with a border town ...
Wildfire and Forest Research (General): 2 expected awards; maximum amount of $750,000. Demonstration State Forests Research: 1 expected award; maximum amount of $750,000. Graduate Student Research: 5 ...
What's a group of butterflies called? A kaleidoscope, swarm, or rabble. If you've ever had a kaleidoscope in your childhood and admired the swirling colors and patterns, you know that's an appropriate ...
The past two columns in this space have focused on the formal gardens of Kyoto, and some ideas that can be borrowed from them for use in our own home gardens. But what about the average urban dweller ...
If you recently planted cabbage, broccoli, or kale, (often called Brassicas and cole crops) keep an eye out for cabbageworms! The adult cabbageworm is a white butterfly with one to four black spots on ...
Zinnias are a great nectar source for migratory monarch butterflies as they wing their way to their overwintering spots along coastal California. How much do monarchs love zinnias? So much that ...
As nighttime temperatures cool and we pick the last of our summer crops, it is time to prepare the garden for winter and next spring. Many activities done now can make your late winter and spring ...
Fall rain kisses thirsty earth, Peace in each cool drop.